How intralogistics impacts the environment?

The importance of caring for the environment has become more relevant than ever, even in the UN General Assembly 2030 specific objectives are established:

  • Affordable and clean energy.
  • Sustainable cities and communities.
  • As a result of the need for good practices to address this situation, some companies have taken action, including the intralogistics industry. Below we will talk about the most significant advances in the sector and its attention to environmental care.

    You can also read: What is sustainable logistics?

    Why the intralogistics sector is so relevant in the environment?

    Intralogistics compiles the internal processes of the merchandise. For decades, hundreds of high-end technology integrations have been carried out, which today allow us to have automated and precise processes, which significantly reduces the environmental impact. These are some of the examples in detail:

    Energy saving. In the search for an improvement in sustainability, solar panels have become the best ally for company warehouses. Even various intralogistics technologies do not need light to run their process, so lighting is eliminated. For those solutions where the operator interacts, LED lighting is already included, which drastically reduces energy.

    Smart decision making. Thanks to having an intralogistics visualization, which adds information on the behavior of the market, it is possible to have a more real picture, and make predictions and projections of demand. The fact of anticipating behaviors allows intelligent decisions, whether it be product demand, raw material, production or distribution.

    Optimization of spaces. One of the clearest objectives of intralogistics processes is to have as little merchandise as possible stored in the Distribution Centers, in order to be only a bridge to receive, momentarily store, classify and distribute. However, when there is no space optimization, merchandise can become stagnant, which leads to loss of space, energy, budget, and many times, the merchandise itself becomes obsolete.

    Losses are reduced. By having controlled and precise operations, the loss is drastically reduced, both of the merchandise, as well as of the packaging, and of the aggregates that participate in the process.

    Reverse logistics becomes efficient. 2 out of 10 online purchases are returned to some supply chain process. This premise tells us that despite the fact that it has a drastic impact on the operation, returns (whatever the reason) must be normalized and a reverse logistics plan must be integrated. Reverse logistics makes the return operation more efficient, strategically organizing the process and drastically reducing the environmental impact.

    Does automation enable resource savings?

    Logistics play a very important socioeconomic role, and the intralogistics process is one of the key points that will allow savings or loss in the entire operation.

    Although it is true that automation requires greater energy consumption, the reality is that it finds a balance point and improves, because it corrects and reduces other resources in various processes. For example, according to the Carbon Trust, between 65 and 95% of the energy consumed in a warehouse is the product of lighting; Likewise, the United States Department of Energy indicates that LED luminaires save up to 75% of electricity consumption, which is why today it is highly demanded in Distribution Centers and production plants.

    Do you want to know more about environmentally friendly intralogistics operations? Contact us: At G.I.EICOM, we develop intralogistics solutions that allow you to have updated, avant-garde and ecofriendly operations. It transcends as a company concerned and occupied by the current environmental situation. We help you achieve it!

    Posted by: G.I.Eicom
    Leaders in Material Handling & Intralogistics Solutions

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